Hydraulic training

Why train throughout your professional career?

  • Become an actor in your professional development in order to acquire a qualification and develop your skills.
  • Perfect your level of expertise to carry out all of your missions while ensuring your own safety but also that of others and the environment.
  • Anticipate technological advances and stay competitive with your competitors.

Our values ​​:

  • ADAPTABILITY: We determine with you a training program according to your level and especially your real needs.
  • PRACTICE: on your machines and on a simulation bench.
  • PEDAGOGY AND KNOW-HOW: The animation is made by men in the field, all passionate about transmitting their knowledge.
  • SIMPLICITY: We come to your premises. You have no hotel reservations or additional costs for you or your employees
  • EXPERTISE: Solving your technical problems, starting up machines, etc.

We offer specialized training in hydraulics on site in the company, by video modules, books or Ebooks.

For questions regarding training or technical issues CONTACT US


Many schemes can allow you to finance the costs related to the training of your employees. Ask your OPCO

FNE (National Employment Fund): If you have resorted to short-time working or your company has encountered difficulties (decline in turnover or orders, operating loss, etc.), the state takes charges 100% of the cost of the training.


On-site training with practical part on your machines and on a simulation bench.

Logo certimetal

(Quick Response)

Solve your hydraulic problems at low cost.

(Breakdowns, adjustments, filtrations, checks, tests, etc.)



Solve a machine malfunction

Security expertise, filtration audit.



Machine start-up, commissioning.